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Weekly highs and commentsSent on 06 April 2024
The site is back onlineSent on 30 March 2024
Easter commentsSent on 28 March 2024
DivergencesSent on 08 March 2024
Riding shotgunSent on 04 March 2024
What if (for the 3rd time)Sent on 15 February 2024
Invite to online speaking eventSent on 07 February 2024
Santa does existSent on 23 December 2023
Broken link in newsletterSent on 02 December 2023
Russell and toilet rollsSent on 02 December 2023
Market comments and videoSent on 25 November 2023
Market commentsSent on 11 November 2023
A chat with an AI traderSent on 31 October 2023
The Zen Trader chapter 6Sent on 30 July 2022
The Zen Trader chapter 5Sent on 26 June 2022
The Zen Trader Chapter 4Sent on 20 May 2022
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